What is Patellar Tendonitis?
The patella tendon connects the patella, or kneecap, to the tibia, or lower leg bone. Located in the knee joint, it works with other muscles and tendons around it to allow us to straighten our knee from a bent position. Patellar tendonitis, commonly known as Jumpers Knee, occurs when this tendon becomes inflamed or irritated.
What causes Patellar Tendonitis?
Patellar tendonitis is most often caused by overuse of the patellar tendon. This condition is most common in people who perform activities that require running or jumping, like volleyball or basketball. While it is more rare, it can also be caused by trauma or injury.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Pain just below the kneecap and over the patellar tendon that increases during activity is the most common symptom of patellar tendonitis. Inflammation and mobility issues in the knee joint may also be present. To diagnose this condition, your doctor will give you a physical exam after reviewing your medical history. If you are exhibiting these symptoms, you may be diagnosed with patellar tendonitis.
How is Patellar Tendonitis treated?
Conservative treatment methods like rest, medication to help with swelling, physical therapy exercises, and cold compression are often helpful in treating this condition. Your doctor may also recommend using a brace or support during the healing process. If the injury is very severe, surgery may be necessary.