Why You May Have One Sided Back Pain
Almost everyone experiences back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can lead to a great deal of pain and discomfort. It may also prevent you from leading the healthy, fulfilling life you deserve.
You may find that it comes on when you least expect it and concentrates on the left or right side on your back. If you're facing one-sided back pain, you may wonder what the issue is. The truth is "It depends."
While it may be a minor problem that will subside on its own, it may also be a sign of a more serious condition. Here's a closer look at why you may have back pain on one side.
Tissue-Related Injuries
Tissue injuries like muscle strains account for the most common cause of one-sided back pain. You may experience one after hurting yourself while playing sports or getting into a car accident. While they can create central back pain, tissue injuries often lead to pain that's entirely focused on one side. Poor posture can also lead to this type of pain.
Bone Complications
If you have a condition like spinal stenosis, arthritis, or bone spurs that causes pain on the left or right side of your back, you're not alone. One-sided back pain from bone complications is widely seen.
The severity of your back pain and how much it disrupts your day-to-day life will dictate the ideal treatment plan. However, in most cases, treatment includes conservative measures like pain medication, hot and cold backs, and physical therapy. Surgery is usually a last resort.
Internal Organ Issues
Believe it or not, one-sided back pain may stem from the organs in your abdominal, pelvic area, and mid-back. These organs may include your colon, kidneys, pancreas, and uterus may be a sign of inflammation, irritation, or infection. If your one-sided back pain is organ related, you're likely facing other uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea, fever, or pain during urination, as well.
Emergency Conditions
It may seem dramatic to head over to the emergency room if you notice back pain on your left or right side. But if your back pain is severe and sudden, it's important to do so. This is particularly true if it's also accompanied with swelling, tenderness in the spine, bladder or bowel issues, or other serious symptoms. Remember it's better to proceed with caution than to ignore extreme one sided back pain.
If your one-sided back pain persists and interferes with your overall quality of life, it's a good idea to see a doctor as soon as possible. They can perform a thorough physical evaluation and let you know how to proceed.